Update May, 2017

Dear Friends, thank you so much for your donations. At the beginning of 2017 we donated $1,500 to the girls’ orphanage to support tutoring for the older children.  And, we sent 300 books and games in French to furnish their recently completed elementary school on the property of the girls’ orphanage.


As a father, husband, brother, son, pilot, magician, Tony Lee always embodied the greatest of all the amazing qualities he had to offer the world. Foremost, he was a giver.  He gave tremendous love and support to his family.  He offered unwavering service to his military comrades and United brothers and sisters.  He honored his parents by carrying on their example of service to others and honoring family.

Tony Lee.  Lyman Anthony Lee, Jr.  Papa.  My love.  My best friend.  My partner in  raising our children to be respectful, appreciative, and joyful.  May you rest in peace and love as you have allowed so many of us to do for so long.

If you are moved to give in the way that Tony Lee lived, please join us in our lifelong devotion to supporting our daughters’, Almaz and Solange, orphanage in Haiti.  A one-time or recurring offering would be appreciated and used honorably.

With love and gratitude,
Debra Lee

Donate to United States Foundation for the Children of Haiti


Learn more about the Foundation and their current projects.

*If you would like a tax-donation receipt, please contact Debra Lee at dbrtny@cox.net.